Stand Packages & Prices
Exhibit at the Expo and showcase your business to new clients while exploring potential business collaborations.
To protect your investment and ensure maximum exposure we not allow multiple companies providing the same service. This gives you a level of exclusivity for your business or service.
For information or support please call 0203 633 6682 or email
Basic Package
1 Available- Exhibit space (5 passes)
- Single table: 6 x 2.5ft
- Logo on website
- Classified ad
- Breakfast (9:00 – 10:30)
- Table covering
- Access to electricity
Standard Package
3 Available- Exhibit space (10 passes)
- Single table: 6 x 2.5ft
- Logo on website
- Classified ad
- Quarter page ad
- Bag insert
- Breakfast (9:00 – 10:30)
- Lunch (9:00 – 10:30)
- Visitor data via Wingcard
- Table covering
- Access to electricity
Premium Package
1 Available- Exhibit space (25 passes)
- Single table: 6 x 2.5ft
- Delegate list of all attendees including contact details via Wingcard.
- Logo on website
- Classified ad
- Quarter page ad
- Bag insert
- Breakfast (9:00 – 10:30)
- Lunch (9:00 – 10:30)
- Table covering
- Access to electricity
Reasons to exhibit at our Expo
Connect With Businesses
Network with businesses at each of our events from sole traders to large corporations
Promote Your Business
Promote your business to attract more customers and collaborate with other businesses
Generate Leads
With hundreds of people in attendance, this is ideal for building your customer database
Legacy Sponsors
We’d like to thank our past and present sponsors for their support